2022-2023 Updates
Hello all!
I’ve taken a slight departure/break from posting regular content to this site. However, my creative endeavors could not be more prominent. In the time since I released projects onto streaming services I finished my college education and joined the workforce. This means that my time is split between working and creating which is difficult considering the external factors which influence all of our lives. Nonetheless, all of the social platforms I have worked to cultivate are starting to pay off.
To start, my main endeavor of 2022 is with Shopify. Shopify is a brilliant e-commerce platform and I have seen a great deal of utility from it. In addition, I have regular posts to my 5 Instagram accounts, 3 Twitter accounts, and 3 pages on Meta’s Facebook. While it is exhausting, I find the work to be very rewarding and challenging. Yet, all good things come in due time and I plan on working on my novel, A Worn Shawl, and my screenplay Proving Grounds.
Ultimately, the delay in content is due in part to my limited time to create. Finding time for creative outlets is of utmost importance. I received two certifications from F.I.T. and Parsons in Streetwear design and footwear design. This way I have a more defined arsenal for accomplishing my creative visions.
Thank you for all the streams, views, and support. This site will receive updates on a periodic basis.
-Shawn Brelvi