|Prescription| - "For The Future" [1/12]

This was written two months before Election day in 2016.

“For The Future”


For the immigrants like me

The Muslims like me

The unheard, the oppressed

Do not depress the button that spells “Trump” in the voting booth


You and I know he’s unfit and that’s the truth

After a year of lies and conniving rhetoric


Do not make the wrong pick


Please don’t subject my people to ridicule, annihilation, and ostracization

For if the toupee donning dichotomy creating imbecile takes office

It will be the end of a nation


For the children and the adults of the past

Do not make this election our last

Disgrace the lives that fought for voter rights and safer nights

Punish the unborn children that will be born into a world of hate and demagoguery


If you couldn’t tell by now, I believe the future is at risk

Yet millions of Americans follow someone they laughed at on TV not too long ago

Tsk Tsk

If there’s one thing you should take from these lies

It’s that inaction is action but not for your cause

It simply supports the party of flaws


As a former Sanders supporter, Hillary is our only hope

Or the next few years will be a treacherous slope


Please, vote.