
New Music and Poetry for 2018/2019 Season

Hello all!

Thank you so much for your continued support. I’ve been working on a lot of music and poetry over the past few months and I’m getting ready to upload a new series up here. In addition, I’ve been performing more around NY and NJ so if anyone is in the area they are encouraged to come. Currently I am re-uploading the individual tracks to my Youtube channel so those can be listened to now at your leisure. A lot of big things are coming, hope to see you all there!

-Shawn Brelvi

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjV9SLBd4CXxVG0e3HzX9gA?

|Prescription| - "Hopefuls" [12/12]

Following the 2017 municipal elections I was rejuvenated.

*** Thank you to everyone who comes to this website. This project means a lot to me since it is what I want to see and what I want my children to see. Hopefully you share this vision of equity. By sharing this you'll turn more people onto this viewpoint. While it may seem hopeless at times we must remember that we are fueled with hope wherever we go.

-Shawn Brelvi


We are winning

Across the nation in retaliation of nationalism

A transgender, a Sikh, an African-American woman, and many other underrepresented minorities took office

This makes me happy even in our worlds where we constantly face negativity

Financial holds, relationship goals not met, and feeling insufficient


What gets us through is hope.

Hope for better days where our problems don’t exist

The resistance we showcased is the hope that fuels me

In the face of evil we triumph


Trump and his legion of followers are not a bother

We know their warped ideology will be defeated


It’s not truly American to restrict voting, toting the exclusion of minorities, and letting it permeate their idiosyncrasies

They lack objective perspective.

While yes, it’s okay to vote with your wallet


Vote for your heart

Understand that we put a man in office who openly mocked a gold star family and took advantage of women

People cowered as the final hours of the election night painted this grim image

I was sad, and so were 65 million plus hopefuls who voted with their heart and in hope

Hope that we can provide healthcare to everyone and prevail against systematic oppression


We can do anything. We are American

You can’t spell that without “I can” because we can

We can trudge through rain to cast our one vote

Performing our civic duty


Realizing that equality and accessibility is what we seek. The price is high but we must progress

For then we regress into the state of this union

Becoming divided on hot button issues that can be solved with bipartisan discussion

Rushing to the brighter future we want

Rome wasn’t built in a day


Neither were the seeds planted from the hope Obama inspired

Conspiring against demagoguery and misandry

America, have hope in the idea of a perfect world

Yes, we can.

|Prescription| - "Mind Control" [11/12]

The political system and media is broken in America. This piece revolves around gun control.

"Mind Control"

This is not partisan

Can you not put politics aside?

Realize innocent people are dying

Why can’t we do anything?


You’d think that after Columbine or Sandy Hook people would change

Twenty kindergarteners mowed down

Their lives stifled by rifle; snubbed with a gun

Who cares about, “Oh well he had mental health issues” and “This isn’t about gun control”


It is about both of these things so why are we arming people senselessly

We shouldn’t be giving guns to people with a mental past

Instead we can have better background checks

If you’re upset that we need them in the first place you do not deserve a gun


Guns are depictions of violence and murder

It’s so easy for those unheard and unreported on to get them

Mental health second, gun control first

Vice versa


Maybe if we taught men to not act out in violence we wouldn’t see this happening

Every mass shooter in recent history has been a male

Why can’t we analyze that?

It’s because men are taught by society to hold in their emotions


“You’re the strong one if you don’t cry”

You immature child

Why is it okay for women to cry at every misstep but men have to stay stoic?

Rationalize it to me and don’t hide behind your contrived societal norms


We are all human

This isn’t a gendered issue but we need to flip the switch

We are all human and deserve to be heard

It is absurd people’s genitals get in the way of that realization


We live in a nation born out of rebellion

Here’s my statement

Forgo party lines

Democrat and Republican create schisms


It is okay to be socially left and fiscally right

Left and right are archaic and here to stay

Moderate is what we need to be

Moderate discussion with those unlike your own

Moderate in our words for we don’t want to step on your toes


The news cycle fulfills its prophecy of heresy

Glorifying and humanizing lone wolves

Our president calls for the death of a domestic terrorist because he’s an “ISIS people”


Get out of your box

I’ve stepped out of mine and it’s time for you to do the same

|Prescription| - "Minority Complex" [10/12]

For Halloween of 2017 I tried an experiment. These are my findings

"Minority Complex"

"What’s your costume?”

It shouldn’t be hard to explain that wearing all black isn’t a costume but I suppose it is

A costume that people unlike myself wear every day and face silence

Being black is just who you are so why should it be a costume


This thought experiment unveiled detriments effecting sentiments of unknowing humans

Black people can’t explain who they are because people are struck with fear

They wear this costume that wasn’t their choice but rather it’s a part of who they are

So why be afraid to know the unknown?


The unknown I scary and so are black people apparently

Break down this societal construct that black people are scary

They are people just like you and I

They are cultured and unheard which perturbs me as a fellow minority


Although my struggle isn’t theirs I can reconcile with denial of their own culture

Don’t want to buy into “brown” characteristics in fear of heuristics

I want to learn more about myself through my culture but my culture ostracizes others

That’s a problem


We as people should not be afraid to be who we are for people lack understanding

They don’t understand

What it’s like to feel powerless

To have to conform in order to be recognized


To see your peers jeer at your cultural garb

To hear offhand comments made because of who you are

How would you feel if white people always had a negative connotation?

In this nation bound by stars and stripes riddles with scars and fights


There’s a reason why they kneel

A reason why we create these spaces to release expression

Nobody wants to know the unknown

Complacent with ignorant thinking


Drinking the poison culture feeds us

Inclusivity and exclusivity apparently go hand in hand

We don’t share our stories to isolate

We share so people can relate


Feel irate on our behalf because you, those not oppressed, hold the real power

You may not feel this way, saying we’re blowing it out of proportion

How would you know what it’s like to get padded down as a child?

Each and every time you travel and it only gets more frequent with age


How would you know what it’s like to be thought of as inferior due to your exterior?

You do not know

Do not say, “But no I actually do”

You are actually the problem


Perpetuating this learned tolerance of those unlike yourselves

You tolerate this language, hearing it echoed from the masses

Forget about it when you go to classes

This feeling never passes and we care about you as much as you care about you


Don’t misconstrue this for hatred

Can you blame us?

|Prescription| - "Cloth" [9/12]

Infuriated with people judging me for speaking on behalf of others I wrote this



So many fielded in my direction

“Step to the side sir, we require additional screening”

From authority to minority we represent a majority

Not wishing to speak on other’s behalf


Half can’t muster the voice to speak on these issues

The other half ventilate their struggles on deaf ears

A veneer of atypical political correctness and typical processes stifle progress

Scared of change yet estranged for believing you are the victim


We don’t want to sound profound for what we say

For we ask simple requests

Allow us housing, leaving us browsing for those sympathetic to our cause

Often called flawed and guffawed at for our issues aren’t perceived as real

Venereal diseases disseminate through minds of complacent thought

Sneezing our bacterium into an ecosystem obsessed with disinfection


Reflection on our state of being is necessary to promote progress

Regressing and suppressing our ideals we hope to deploy

Treated like toys

Tossed and lost when we’ve fulfilled our purpose


Demographic requirements to fill empty boxes

Abraded when delegated to our respective slots

Forgotten and begotten in this world we continue to resist and exist in

On a mission to amplify the cries of those who abscond their posts


Why me?

It’s not just me

Three million plus seeking the same platform

Unable to perform for we conform to societal norms

We must represent those who are “unrepresentable”


Excoriated and vindicated when they hear this rallying fry

The brown town cried and profound deniers populate this population

In a nation which understands injustice yet nothing is done

Not fun for one to sheepishly claim they stand for those who cannot


But who will?

We offer skills and labor most won’t undertake

Residing as stakes in the Earth

Unearthed as erosion continues

See us for who we are

These scars we display are not fabricated

Yet the idea that nothing is wrong is

|Prescription| - "Clockwork" [8/12]

The cyclical nature of the systemic issues we face is a result of our complacency.



What is it worth?

“A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent

A torrential rain of websites laundering clicks from gubernatorial wanton

Tick tock the clock goes as their time runs thing

Lacking oxygen, rations, and passion for they are commoditized


“Over half a million refugees pour into Bangladesh”

Over half the price slashed on these vegan juicers

These futures stifled in search of capital

Radical that AdSense makes sense to the corporations

Nations razed, families raped, and children’s mouths agape

“Here, let’s get this on tape”


It happens in America, Africa, Asia and more

We deplore the objectification subconsciously but share and like away consciously

As refugees venture into foray with little aid from global forces

The please go unheard and numbers go up in the third quarter

“Conflict, although morbid, makes us money.”


When their noses are runny with blood instead of phlegm

Running form your country because you don’t belong

How long can we witness this in silence?

Writhing, for we wonder when our time will come


As prophet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote while jailed in Birmingham,

“Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

We know these problems are present yet we do nothing constructive

As we are fed sophisms from destructive politicians on a mission to cleanse what they feel is impure


Yet, the purity of the forgotten souls is what we must see

These displaced race for shelter helter-skelter with not enough help offered

Change your conscience and feel the tension boil under your skin

For what will our kin say when they realize we were the bystanders?

|Prescription| - "Landfill" [7/12]

As a child, I was always told people in India and other developing nations would kill to be in our position.


It’s better than it seems

Fret for your dreams aren’t fulfilled

Regret that your seams are uncomfortable

“My home is a landfill”

It’s better than it seems


Burning garbage and cyclical carnage plague those deemed insignificant

Foraging for sustenance in the last war’s airdrop

Wondering when rain will fall instead of bombs

Napalm for mom

Apache for father

Five shots for his daughter and amputation for brother


Physically incapable but mentally unbreakable

Those stories fill the bookshelves of our conscious

Each page fading with time for the spine corrodes

Leaving a plethora of unmasked injustice


For the one brother I saw get pulled over by five cops

For the vacant daughter

For the flagrant bothers that are fostered

For the foster care children with no home

Our home is a landfill


Riddled with withered daffodils and fulfilled corporate promises

Remus and Romulus betrayed the plebian

Yet the display of courage is all that is needed

Heed the words of others and listen


Perk up for their dreams and stitch up the seams

For it’s better than it seems




|Prescription| - "Terrorist" [6/12]

I wrote this after talking to fellow Muslims who felt this way


I am not a terrorist

I am brown skinned and American

I am a male with a frail soul from all the injustice I see

I am not a terrorist


I am an activist

For Muslim Americans who get stopped by the TSA

For Latino Americans who worry about their next night

For Black Americans who fought for voter rights

For Asian Americans who came to the USA

I am not a terrorist


Ignorant to the constant rebuking people of color face

Unaware that we get handicapped in the race of life

Facing strife due to the color of your skin

None of you would know

I am not a terrorist


For my hijab wearing sisters who can’t embrace their culture

For my dashiki wearing brothers who want to show their colors

For the oriental garb that doesn’t get shown

For the little boys and girls who live a virtuous life only to get gunned down

I frown because I am not a terrorist


I am an activist for the gay Arabs in my circle

For the humble people who choose to hide their individuality

But the reality is that people like us feel like we’re constantly performing

Resisting conforming for we want to have a voice


A voice that can be heard in a homogenous room

A voice so quiet you can’t hear it in the ensemble of dissent

A voice that’s stifled because we’re different

Answer me, America

Am I a terrorist?


How many times do we have to remind?

That we climb only to get the rungs kicked out from beneath us

Working harder than our counterparts only to get countered with farce

It’s harsh when you want the best for your country but they don’t want the same

They’d rather see your name on a mural and move on with their day


This type of activism is passive

One needs to realize the movement needed is massive

One where we bond in empathy, harmony, and beauty

For all of us are not terrorists


We are American

Hailing from overseas

From lands of palm trees or refugees

Please, stand with us.

|Prescription| - "Vacancy" [5/12]

No matter what you want to be and what you want to accomplish, that can be taken away by someone’s predisposition to something you can’t control.


Meet Travis

Young, hopeful, and driven

Aware of the live he’s been given

Realizes it’s a dangerous life he’s living


Not because of heinous crimes or petty fines

But the idea of being in the wrong place at the wrong time

At nine, Travis goes to school

Feels cool because his marks are up and his distractions down


Travis aspires to be a local governor for the town

Only to frown when people say he’s too young

But age won’t stunt our endearing runt

For he never puts up a front and does what he’s told


Travis imagines getting old

Helping citizens, aiding immigrants, feeding the poor

Waiting to grow to touch the door to his future

Forever wanting to appease his late father


But his father’s absence didn’t make Travis tense

It made him sense that he was his mother’s idol, her beacon

Too young to be alone on the streets on the weekends

Not because she doesn’t trust him


She doesn’t trust the world

The world where cruelties unfurl

Where anything is possible but maybe not for you

The world where we don’t choose how we go


So the telephone call from the police is a blow

“Our officer didn’t know.”

“No, Travis. Don’t go.”


Why resort to violence when retorts are silent

Only to leave another soul empty


|Prescription| - "Let Freedom Ring" [4/12]

Optimism is key in a dark world

"Let Freedom Ring"

The machinations of our foundations are faulty

Yet, innovation fails to achieve proliferation due to the stagnant discourse of this nation

As we trudge step by step forward we fall backward elsewhere

Nowhere but America where free speech reverberates

Those same people obfuscate those exercising their rights


Stop criticizing and demonizing

Listen to the perturbed around you

The misheard surround you

The inferred perfect world you think we live in isn’t achieved


People daily grieve over lost sons and fathers

Suffering from the loss of mothers and lovers

Compassion runs dry as our thoughts turn awry

Yet, the dismay that perpetuates was always present


People will always resent

There will always be dissent

There will always be residents in a hate fueled present

Those who occupy these warped worlds will live on the scorched Earth they wish to create


Just because it works for you and “it doesn’t affect me”

Does not mean that it doesn’t tear apart the lives of friends

Help the impoverished make amends

All it seems to be is an end to your problems but it simply is the creation of new ones


Go my companions

Bridge canyons with your words

Let the sounds of niceties be hears

Let it ring tried and true until friend and blue


If people try to minimize your issues

Aggrandize yourself

Realize that those who lack empathy have no place in your heart

Be a voice, do your part, and start the new tomorrow





|Prescription| - "Envision" [3/12]

The silent oppression minorities encounter is often overlooked and conversation is the first step in rectifying it.


No love or affection for the darker complexion

Affirmative action, how unfair to the white man

The white man who constructed the plan

To silence the voice of minority


But the minority is becoming a majority

Bare with me, the time will come

When diversity conquers all and is celebrated

As roles of power are delegated to the darker skin


Our kin will see that color isn’t defining

They will live on the silver lining

Not subjected to the writhing our ancestors endured

Ensuring a brighter future


A future where moochers of privilege will not be exalted

Demeaned for careening off the right path

Our society will have a tight grasp on the real issues

No longer misusing the power of mass media


Our future has been stifled for the moment due to corporate greed

What we need is representation for the citizens of this nation

So action can be taken against the silent injustices

But will we ever reach the mountain top?


I do not know and neither do you

Which is why we can’t stop climbing the rungs of acceptance

If a summit is reached we can only go higher

For we will never tire in the effort to create a more perfect world


It seems absurd but let my words be heard

Carry them to your classes and dinner table discussions

Rushing to a better tomorrow prevents sorrow

Letting society live in harmony

Can’t you see?

|Prescription| - "Iota" [2/12]

I often felt this listless existentialism and as I spoke with peers I discovered this wasn’t a foreign insight


Mass confusion and disillusion as millions pigeonhole themselves into mouse sized spaces

Word faces, unexplored places plague the people of my generation

This absence of an unbridled childhood doesn’t make me feel good.

It was widely understood that children are pure and malleable


That adults are infallible.

Yet, with the proliferation of unvetted information the terrorization rampant through the nation gets a stage to be heard

Many do not question or feel perturbed by absurd clickbait headlines

I can’t begin to recall how many times people asked


Where the red dot was or “Where the curry at cuz?”

People only hear buzz words

Words that punctuate, exacerbate, and permeate our culture

Creating divides and subcultures with no unification in sight


What happened to the nights we all felt as one?

Humans shared struggles, beliefs, and harbored grief

Looking towards another human for a sense of relief

Now we’re all taught to self-medicate because nobody really gives a damn anymore


But I don’t want to get lit anymore

I want to sit with plenty and discourse

Conversate about the past, future, and present

Not resenting those who aren’t like minded


I feel that being a listener and not a speaker opens up doors

To the palace of human interaction

Where infractions are taken lightly and conversations are held nightly

The desire for connection is inherent in all

Being alone makes the vast world we live in far too small

|Prescription| - "For The Future" [1/12]

This was written two months before Election day in 2016.

“For The Future”


For the immigrants like me

The Muslims like me

The unheard, the oppressed

Do not depress the button that spells “Trump” in the voting booth


You and I know he’s unfit and that’s the truth

After a year of lies and conniving rhetoric


Do not make the wrong pick


Please don’t subject my people to ridicule, annihilation, and ostracization

For if the toupee donning dichotomy creating imbecile takes office

It will be the end of a nation


For the children and the adults of the past

Do not make this election our last

Disgrace the lives that fought for voter rights and safer nights

Punish the unborn children that will be born into a world of hate and demagoguery


If you couldn’t tell by now, I believe the future is at risk

Yet millions of Americans follow someone they laughed at on TV not too long ago

Tsk Tsk

If there’s one thing you should take from these lies

It’s that inaction is action but not for your cause

It simply supports the party of flaws


As a former Sanders supporter, Hillary is our only hope

Or the next few years will be a treacherous slope


Please, vote.



|Substance| - "Helios" [11/11]

After being in a constant state of depression I decided to seek out the beauty in life. I went outside and wrote this while admiring the warm weather and the passerby’s existing around me. Using my negativity to fuel positivity was a massive turning point in my personal development.

***This is also the last installment for my first project. I shared these poems so I could hopefully reach people who are going through the same. I want people to take their negativity they see in their life and use it to empower themselves. Realize that you are strong and you can weather the strongest storms. I thank you for everyone who has come to this website and read my work. It truly means a lot to me. I hope you can follow me on my journey in the spring to fight societal constructs and battle for equality

-Shawn Brelvi


Ethereal teal seals envelope the horizon

The sun rising and warming the Earth

The hearth rich with burning embers

As members gather for its reoccurring sustenance


When the sun basks us with its presence

We treat it like a present and not resent its gift

For the sun closes rifts between others and smothers us

The colors vibrant and the smiles abundant


Shun repugnance and abandon pundits

The fun’s what grips

Like Frisbee, candy, and feeling dandy

No plan B just go with it


Feel adrift in a sea of buoyancy

No fallacy to ballast me

No gravity to ensure depravity

Just pure bliss as the mist permeates


As we celebrate the presence of others

And fail to resent those who dissent

We bond in unity, in harmony, in the company.

Observing the beauty omnipresent around us


The geometry, the tall tree, the bomb green

The sense of freedom, unbridled child

Go wild in the day and retire at night

Not a care in sight


Take flight in your dreams

Where there seems to be a reality more perfect than this one


|Substance| - "Barefoot" [10/11]

This was the last poem that had this nadir tone. I realized why I was unable to focus on what I wanted to do and it was largely out of my control.


Apathetic and prophetic as I nap and regret it

My mind diverges into urge as I fail to converge at a single point

Adroit as I anoint the paper and taper off into disillusion

This illusion of confusion isn’t a result of reclusion

No, It derives from ubiquity


The infinity presented I resented for I couldn’t focus

Couldn’t hone in on my zone and now I’m listless

Remiss to the bliss I found in creative expression

Now left vexing at what the fuck to do


Only to up chuck and buck up when asked

“What are your career interests?”

The veneer I portray only to venture into foray

Lying to myself just to make it through the day


But nay, they say, you’re jubilant and exuberant

Your energy illuminates the darkest room

But inside the lights are out as my psyche shouts

As doubt accrues from the choosing of this path


Succumb to the wrath of the machine

Just for the green we hope to glean

But what good are numbers when in the eternal slumber?

What measures impact?

What pleasures are intact?

What must be severed to redact damage done?


Introspection leaves me clueless

Walking on hot coals shoeless

|Substance| - "Supernova" [9/11]

At this point in my journey I was doing a lot of self-reflection. I realized that I couldn’t be a miser forever but I still had thoughts regarding my state of being.


Vacillation between vaccinations

Either the serum or delirium

The atrium hollow, devoid of souls

As coals singe the flat of my foot


Wracked and shook

A closed book waiting for wandering eyes

No looks for the launderer of lies

Pondering and wandering whilst squandering for purpose


Only to surface from a sedated slumber

Feel elated for the slated date

Only to get shaded when they flake

Aggravated at this lake


When it’s half past seven

In heaven at the dock

Emotions leaven at the thought

That it happened again


The refusal and bamboozle

As to how to solve this puzzle

With muddled musings

A puddle of my losing


Choosing to go back to abusing is futile

As I’d revile at my own stupidity

Ignoring my turgidity

Implore some rigidity


Implode from complacency

|Substance| - "Step into the Sun" [8/11]

I wanted to inspire others to find their inner peace so writing inspirational pieces became a theme

“Step into the Sun”

Stranded on an island

Disbanded from the group

Forever feeling aloof as I maneuver through life

Not because of the strife endured once before

But rather because life is a closed door


My hands wretch as my arms outstretch

For the direction I turn to is askew

Always being reprimanded for getting sticky fingers

But the thought still lingers as to what could have been


The rot kills as it disseminates through my mantra

As hills occur and valleys appear

Hills where the challenge isn’t clear

Valleys where the path isn’t near

Only to sear in the baking sun for my immobility


But my ability to conquer has been seen

I’ve been doling out accomplishments since fifteen

I’m obscene and careen to my desired route

Always smiling never giving a shout

As I get clout for coloring outside the lines


A sense of doubt should not be achieved

Perceive that your actions shouldn’t make you grieve

Because you see people who only have so much time left

Be a champion of your days

Escape the haze


Learn that the rays of the sun should kiss your skin

As we should strive to take all of it in

Enjoy the time spent with others

Forsake the bothers present

Don’t resent the fluctuations

Ride them in confidence to a brighter future

|Substance| - "Pursuit" [7/11]

Motivated to use my findings, I wrote an uplifting piece.


We live through the waves of uncertainty

Altered by unexpected influences

The senses once had dissipate

As neurons vacillate between paths


Subject to the wrath of the unknown

As these fluctuations groan on

The tone gets lower as the stakes get higher

Trying to compile one’s thoughts as the psyche is wrought


Caught in a bind

Nowhere to find advice except the self

The one that guides you through each moment

A path light that flickers and leaves you blinded


Blindsided by the bleak

Grinded by the meat

Want to be defeated

But fuck an incomplete


Thought, ride the vine

Climb the shrine

Be a beacon of innovation

Shun the rum, get it done


But have some fun, realize life should be lived

Don’t seek security in the hopes of happiness

Explore the realm

Be the helm


Be a knight in exuberant armor

Impenetrable and bolstered

Not deterred by the looming dragon

Not faltered by the doom arriving

Striving in other’s conniving

|Substance| - "Soul Seeking" [6/11]

I thought I would find answers in other people.

This concept is explored and it leads to empowerment.

“Soul Seeking”

This numbing succumbing feeling

As I’m reeling from all the mistakes I make

Only to take less caution in future endeavors

Never to waver again at the proposition of connection


But the juxtaposition of a drifting magnet

To plastic bodies explains the non-adhesion

In this season for cuddling for warmth and embracing for no reason

Only to be teased for my listless wandering


As I’m pondering for an answer

But the answer is her but is it really?

Why must we crave connection when lines are frayed?

And get back out there when we get played


God damn, I wish she would’ve stayed

So I could cradler her heart in my arms

As her presence warms my soul

As our conversations cease to be droll


I ignore the issues

Begin to misuse my desire

My desire to retire nightly to

My name called lightly


The lips open and warm breath wisps

Her skin kisses mine as time stretches

My stomach wretches because this is all fake


As fake as a three dollar bill

As fake as a “make you smaller” pill

The only reality is the existence of my isolation

And the resistance to condemnation


After seeking substance and attaining purpose I realized that it’s selfish to withhold knowledge. Even if this knowledge is perceived to be already known. Reiteration is powerful and is effective in understanding the gravity and severity of such issues.

Through a wide array of lenses, we will deconstruct the unspoken and concrete oppression of minorities in the hopes of sharing our stories to elicit empathy
