No matter what you want to be and what you want to accomplish, that can be taken away by someone’s predisposition to something you can’t control.
Meet Travis
Young, hopeful, and driven
Aware of the live he’s been given
Realizes it’s a dangerous life he’s living
Not because of heinous crimes or petty fines
But the idea of being in the wrong place at the wrong time
At nine, Travis goes to school
Feels cool because his marks are up and his distractions down
Travis aspires to be a local governor for the town
Only to frown when people say he’s too young
But age won’t stunt our endearing runt
For he never puts up a front and does what he’s told
Travis imagines getting old
Helping citizens, aiding immigrants, feeding the poor
Waiting to grow to touch the door to his future
Forever wanting to appease his late father
But his father’s absence didn’t make Travis tense
It made him sense that he was his mother’s idol, her beacon
Too young to be alone on the streets on the weekends
Not because she doesn’t trust him
She doesn’t trust the world
The world where cruelties unfurl
Where anything is possible but maybe not for you
The world where we don’t choose how we go
So the telephone call from the police is a blow
“Our officer didn’t know.”
“No, Travis. Don’t go.”
Why resort to violence when retorts are silent
Only to leave another soul empty