Following the 2017 municipal elections I was rejuvenated.
*** Thank you to everyone who comes to this website. This project means a lot to me since it is what I want to see and what I want my children to see. Hopefully you share this vision of equity. By sharing this you'll turn more people onto this viewpoint. While it may seem hopeless at times we must remember that we are fueled with hope wherever we go.
-Shawn Brelvi
We are winning
Across the nation in retaliation of nationalism
A transgender, a Sikh, an African-American woman, and many other underrepresented minorities took office
This makes me happy even in our worlds where we constantly face negativity
Financial holds, relationship goals not met, and feeling insufficient
What gets us through is hope.
Hope for better days where our problems don’t exist
The resistance we showcased is the hope that fuels me
In the face of evil we triumph
Trump and his legion of followers are not a bother
We know their warped ideology will be defeated
It’s not truly American to restrict voting, toting the exclusion of minorities, and letting it permeate their idiosyncrasies
They lack objective perspective.
While yes, it’s okay to vote with your wallet
Vote for your heart
Understand that we put a man in office who openly mocked a gold star family and took advantage of women
People cowered as the final hours of the election night painted this grim image
I was sad, and so were 65 million plus hopefuls who voted with their heart and in hope
Hope that we can provide healthcare to everyone and prevail against systematic oppression
We can do anything. We are American
You can’t spell that without “I can” because we can
We can trudge through rain to cast our one vote
Performing our civic duty
Realizing that equality and accessibility is what we seek. The price is high but we must progress
For then we regress into the state of this union
Becoming divided on hot button issues that can be solved with bipartisan discussion
Rushing to the brighter future we want
Rome wasn’t built in a day
Neither were the seeds planted from the hope Obama inspired
Conspiring against demagoguery and misandry
America, have hope in the idea of a perfect world
Yes, we can.