I didn’t realize it at that point but this was pretext to my isolation. I lost one of my dear friends and the only person I could talk to was myself
Self-involved poetry is by far my least favorite to write but it varies on the scope of the subject.
From dusk til dawn
It seems like nothing is wrong
But the errs on Earth are a song
Sounded daily like a reverberating gong
My so called “friends” perpetuating a lifestyle
That doesn’t make me smile
They revile while I go through the trials
And wait for me to return to my old ways
But my old ways were me stuck in a haze
As my eyes glazed over and the days got shorter
And I long for more substance
But not the substance of lethargy
Can’t you see past the daily regiment?
Of lighting up then coming down
Only to frown when there’s no more to go around
When the sound of the guy ringing brings you glee
I hate not being me, but me isn’t what you think, it’s who I am
As I fade into obscurity for not being “me”
And genuine moments are a rarity when I’m your “me”
I’m just begging to know who to be and I seek clarity
Before succumbing to vanity
For existing in the realm of nonconformity
Well I’m tired of conforming
Sick of performing
You don’t define me, I define me
Now that I’m free
I can see through the opaqueness that once was
Not chasing a buzz
To finally find out who I once was