I thought I would find answers in other people.
This concept is explored and it leads to empowerment.
“Soul Seeking”
This numbing succumbing feeling
As I’m reeling from all the mistakes I make
Only to take less caution in future endeavors
Never to waver again at the proposition of connection
But the juxtaposition of a drifting magnet
To plastic bodies explains the non-adhesion
In this season for cuddling for warmth and embracing for no reason
Only to be teased for my listless wandering
As I’m pondering for an answer
But the answer is her but is it really?
Why must we crave connection when lines are frayed?
And get back out there when we get played
God damn, I wish she would’ve stayed
So I could cradler her heart in my arms
As her presence warms my soul
As our conversations cease to be droll
I ignore the issues
Begin to misuse my desire
My desire to retire nightly to
My name called lightly
The lips open and warm breath wisps
Her skin kisses mine as time stretches
My stomach wretches because this is all fake
As fake as a three dollar bill
As fake as a “make you smaller” pill
The only reality is the existence of my isolation
And the resistance to condemnation